Gatsby Theme Golden Condor
A gatsby 4 theme with MDX support, theming & dark mode via theme-ui, unlimited collections (custom post types), configurable layouts, built in SEO, component shadowing and more.
⚠️ Docs are incomplete
Theme installation
npm i gatsby-theme-golden-condor
npm i gatsby-theme-golden-condor
module.exports = {
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
siteUrl: "https://www.yourdomain.tld",
// SEO title
title: "Your Title",
// footer name after copyright
author: "Your Name",
// SEO description
description: "site description",
// fallback SEO image in /static directory
image: "static-image.png",
// footer links
social: [
name: "...",
url: "...",
siteMetadata: {
siteUrl: "https://www.yourdomain.tld",
// SEO title
title: "Your Title",
// footer name after copyright
author: "Your Name",
// SEO description
description: "site description",
// fallback SEO image in /static directory
image: "static-image.png",
// footer links
social: [
name: "...",
url: "...",
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-theme-golden-condor`,
options: {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-theme-golden-condor`,
options: {
collections: {
post: {
// hide this collection from 'recent posts' grid on home page
hideOnHomePage: false
// disable the /[collectionName]s index page
disableIndexPage: false
// shows a grid of recent posts under posts in this collection
showRelatedPosts: true
// show author/date metadata on posts in this collection
meta: true
// show breadcrumbs on posts in this collection
showBreadcrumbs: true
// shows Table Of Contents (h2 as parents + h3 as children)
showTOC: true
// width variant for container for posts in this collection.
containerVariant: "post",
// left sidebar page navigation
// via frontmatter.parent = id / relationships you define.
sidebarNav: {
// sidebarNav Heading text
heading: "Pages",
// pixel width of sidebar (default: 280)
width: 320
page: {
// config for the content/pages collection
collections: {
post: {
// hide this collection from 'recent posts' grid on home page
hideOnHomePage: false
// disable the /[collectionName]s index page
disableIndexPage: false
// shows a grid of recent posts under posts in this collection
showRelatedPosts: true
// show author/date metadata on posts in this collection
meta: true
// show breadcrumbs on posts in this collection
showBreadcrumbs: true
// shows Table Of Contents (h2 as parents + h3 as children)
showTOC: true
// width variant for container for posts in this collection.
containerVariant: "post",
// left sidebar page navigation
// via frontmatter.parent = id / relationships you define.
sidebarNav: {
// sidebarNav Heading text
heading: "Pages",
// pixel width of sidebar (default: 280)
width: 320
page: {
// config for the content/pages collection
Getting started
get set up using the Gatsby Theme
Theme Options
available theme options for gatsby-config setup
special parameters for layouts
Site Metadata
How site metadata is used in the theme
edit the header & footer navigation menus
How to configure and use the sidebar navigation
MDX Components
see or edit the components available inside your mdx files
Syntax Highlighting
Changing the code blocks plugin and theme